If you use form submission on your “contact us” page, AND you are getting tonnes of spam, but haven’t found a solution that works – this will help.
Like you I had set the honeypot and tried using CAPTCHA or little quizzes before they could submit the form like
This didn’t work.
One evening I had to remove the contact us form altogether because I was getting hundreds of submissions. The spambots had found it and were going bananas with submission after submission.
Removing the form worked; no form = no form spam.
But not a good long term solution when you prefer to use a a contact us form.
So, here is what does work.
Stop Contact Form Spam for Good!
I figured that spambots crawl the web universe with only ONE very simple task in mind. That is to Find the “contact us” page. So (I then reasoned) – what if you don’t have one? What if I call it something else and refer to it as something else? But in a way a human will understand.
The result? No spam and No CAPTCHA needed.
Simple deduction for a simple bot. Change the contact page name referral links to something like “Please let us know” and link to the NEW form page and call it something like the “information page”
Don’t forget to change the url to “info pg” or whatever you choose. Here is where you can get hold of us.
I have done this here and on one of my most spam-prolific sites and it stopped the form spam cold. The theory was correct (yay). the ‘bots are only looking for the “contact” or “contact-us” page. So far so good anyway. This will only last so long but enjoy the reprieve while you can.
Go ahead – try it out! Let me know how it went.