1. Affiliate Association
Unless a product is expressly declared, you can assume that references to products and services on this website are made and an affiliate association exists between this website’s Publisher (“Publisher”) and the Advertisers of the mentioned products and services (“Advertiser”). This means if you buy something there is a good chance the Publisher will get a commission from your purchase. You will see this symbol Adin the event of a sponsored product review.
2. Good Faith Recommendations
Affiliate products and services posted on this website based in part on a good faith belief that the purchase of such products or services will help purchasers in general. The Publisher has this good faith belief because (a) the Publisher has tried the product or service mentioned prior to the editorial review or (b) the Publisher has researched the reputation of the Advertiser and has made the decision to recommend the Advertiser’s products or services based on the Advertiser’s history of providing these or other products or services. The representations made by the Publisher about products and services reflect the Publisher’s opinion based upon the facts known to the Publisher at the time a product or service is mentioned on this website. Bear in mind that things change and opinions change as well as the ever-evolving nature of the internet and life itself.
3. Potential Bias
The Publisher’s opinion about a product or service may be partially formed (consciously or subconsciously) in part based on the fact that the Publisher has been compensated or will be compensated because of the Publisher’s business relationships with the Advertisers.
In some instances, the Publisher and an Advertiser will have a business or personal relationship that does not involve the Publisher receiving compensation related to products and services mentioned on this website. However, the nature of the relationship is sufficient to establish a material connection between the Publisher and the Advertiser.
Because there is a material connection between the Publisher and Advertisers of products or services mentioned on this website, you should always assume that the Publisher may be biased because of the Publisher’s relationship with an Advertiser and/or because the Publisher has received or will receive something of value from a Advertiser.
Perform your own due diligence research before purchasing a product or service mentioned on this website (or any other website).
4. Compensation
The type of compensation received by the Publisher may vary. In some instances, the Publisher may receive complimentary products, services, or money from an Advertiser prior to mentioning the Advertiser’s products or services on this website.
In other instances, the Publisher may receive a monetary commission or non-monetary compensation when you take action based on the content of this website. This includes, but is not limited to, when you purchase a product or service from the Publisher or an Advertiser after clicking on an affiliate link on this website.
All products provided free, sold by publisher, or offered as an affiliate are for information and entertainment purposes only.
As far as representations made regarding personal experiences from a product produced or promoted; full transparency has been made where possible and every effort to be specific while representing its value and potential. However, there are NO GUARANTEES that you will be able to achieve any success at all. The amount of earning potential for any given product, formula, procedure, or strategy is dependent on the chaotic nature of all variables of the earth including personal interpretation and execution of the; ideas and techniques suggested in the information products.
Success in just about anything, depends a lot on the amount of time a person devotes to the programs they purchase. In many instances an individuals financial means will be important to the outcome as well as their personal skills and previous knowledge. It is up to you what you do with the information you purchase.
NOTHING is implied as a “get rich quick” scheme.
Any specific references to actual earnings or results can be verified if requested.
Sometimes the content on this site will contain forward projections based on personal opinion only and may not contain any historical trending or facts. These forward looking statements are just forecasts and can only be considered a potential and not the actual expected performance of the product.
Nothing is certain, nothing is promised, nothing is implied. Everything on this website is to be considered to be for INFORMATION AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY.