Previously I mentioned how no matter what Information Product you create, you will have to learn how to be an info-marketer. Even the best mousetrap won’t sell if people don’t know about it. You can have a good product that will help people but they won’t be helped if they aren’t aware it exists.
Even if you just want to sell something for the profit, people still won’t give you money if they don’t know if your thing exists. Setting up an effective marketing system is a necessary step in the success of any information product.
Setting up a Simple & Effective Marketing System
Have a simple marketing system in place will increase sales of a product. This is another area people get a little lost in. Getting customers to come to you is the most important magic trick of it all. No customers = $0
A marketing system will help to eliminate the guesswork of wondering who and why someone is buying AND cuts out a lot of wasted time and money.
Details of a Simplified Info Marketing System
Every system, regardless of how simple it is, needs to have a
Testing does open the door to improvement, but follow the proven steps first. Do not alter the steps until the new procedure has been confirmed through testing to be better than the old steps.
⚡ The basics of a simple marketing system are:
– Qualified lead generation
– A selling system to sell to those leads
– Have more than one product to sell to current customers
– Incorporate a means of ascension for your customers (ie gold package, monthly continuity etc.)
– JV’s or affiliate products for cross selling to customers
– Have a system to profit from unconverted leads (find products they will buy, or rent list to others, or run solo ads etc.)
– Obtain testimonials and referrals from buyers
– Continue this loop using testimonials to persuade the non-buyers
Every step above needs to have a detailed procedure ready to go. These steps will grow and change as you obtain more information about your market, but you still need a written formula in place before you start. Throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks is a great way to lose your shirt. Test always.
Here are some examples of the eight components listed above.
Qualified lead generation
Offering a newsletter specific to a particular audience is common because it works when done correctly. Make the newsletter VERY targeted. If you are selling an info-product on how to tie dye a cat without losing an eye then call your newsletter “Successful Feline Cat Tie Dye” – or something that appeals to your specific audience. So many people try to be pithy with naming their lead generation material. Pithy costs more to promote. Be direct and precise with what you are about.
A general newsletter about cats will give you a broad base of leads that you can probably sell something to, but in this particular case – the narrower the better.
Interest in a “free” newsletter doesn’t super-qualify a lead because you need to know if they can afford to buy your stuff too. They can be offered an inexpensive subscription or product to see if they will commit. Even spending a dollar is more of a commitment then nothing.
Selling system to sell to your leads
Selling to a prospect can happen at the same time they become a lead. The best time to try and sell to a lead is right away. They put up their hand and said they were interested in your free thing, they might well be interested in your paid thing too. Ask for the sale right away. If they don’t buy they go into the funnel system.
Sell them more stuff
When a person buys something they feel good. They are in the mood to buy stuff so give them stuff to buy. Having only one product is leaving money on the table. Don’t wait, ask for another sale, and another, and another.
Cross-selling, up-selling, down-selling, ascension, continuity, JV’s, and affiliate products. All are ways to keep your customer happy with what you are providing. AND all are ways to continue to profit from information marketing. Being the provider of relevant products to current customers is providing a good service. People like to buy from those they know and trust. You are saving them the trouble and concern from having to buy from someone else.
It isn’t always necessary or recommended to be the originator of all the products you sell to your customers. Being the conduit or the influence that makes the recommendation can be all that’s needed. This is where JV’s and affiliate products can be useful.
Using Testimonials for Profit
Gathering qualified testimonials are great for making any marketing system even more effective. This “social proof” can persuade a new person to become a buyer when they wouldn’t have otherwise.
Putting testimonials into a newsletter and sending it out to everyone on your list can also get others to provide their good words too. Highlight a happy customer every month in your letter and watch how people will “volunteer” to be interviewed.